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GALLOP - lower limb examination

The Gait and Lower Limb Observation of Paediatrics or GALLOP is a recording proforma for health professionals who assess children with foot and leg concerns. This proforma was developed through consensus methodology where physiotherapists and podiatrists were asked which birth and development history questions, and key assessments should be conducted during general assessment. 

The assessments included in GALLOP have published reliability and normative values for children of all ages. Assessments include lower limb joint ranges, bone torsion and alignment measures that are simple to conduct. There are also recommended general neurological assessments to identify and red flags that should prompt referral. 

GALLOP is specifically lower limb focused. Clinicians should consider pREMS where more global assessment is required, and pGALS for screening where there are additional concerns of limping, regression or delay of motor skills, ongoing clumsiness, or systemic symptoms such as fever or chronic disease described by family or caregivers. 

Link for the methodology of how the GALLOP was developed and the proforma can be downloaded in word format to adapt for clinical records or electronic medical records.